Unyung (hi) I’m a Heart-Mender through art, thought, and community care. I am a brown Korean adoptee, pangender, multi-spirited, and queer. My children were born at home and are my closest teachers. Child rearing on purpose is simultaneously one of the most healing and challenging experiences in my life. A moment can open a traumatic body memory and I take a deep breath and step back to receive it as an opportunity to allow my past self to be nurtured by my present self. This practice nests new memories adjacent to the trauma, breathing in bridges of trust to ripple the waters within. When I’m free to be me without immediate responsibility, I enjoy exploring the outside, dancing and being silly. Most of all, I enjoy sleeping!

“the meaning of life is to support and be supported, as the sun, rain, and moon support the seed taking root and bearing fruit.”

- Me, answering the ancient question my children asked recently.